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Beware! These 5 Signs Of Stroke Have A Message For You



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Stroke is a health condition that demands immediate attention. As in, quick action. It happens when the brain does not have enough blood flow. It is usually due to blocked vessels or bleeding in the brain. The immediate effect of lack of blood is that the brain cells begin to die because of absence of oxygen.

Immediately you experience any of the signs discussed below, it’s important you rush to the hospital. Taking your time would lead to something else — the condition would not be completely reversed. Here are the signs of stroke:

1. The loss of vision
Certainly, everyone knows their level of visibility. So, if you suddenly stop seeing with one or both eyes; it is a sign of stroke. When the occipital lobe — which is at the back of the brain is affected, it leads to sight problems.

If the left occipital lobe is damaged, it automatically affects the right eye vice versa. Total blindness can occur when both sides of the brain are damaged. But, it is rarely a common sign of stroke.

2. Sign of paralysis
The sign of paralysis could start from the face or mouth when they begin to bend. Paralysis occurs when a blood clot blocks the blood flow to the brain. Another factor is fat deposits inside the blood vessel that stops blood as well.

3. Loss of speech
One of the common signs of stroke is inability to articulate words correctly or communicate properly — it is called “aphasia”. This happens when the part of the brain that controls language and speech is damaged.

To understand what others have said and translate thoughts into an audible speech becomes a problem. Aphasia also hinders the ability to read and write. If you notice any of the aforementioned signs; quickly go to the hospital.

4. Inability to walk
In every walking step, the brain and body are involved. Stroke affects this process; it makes the body difficult to move. When the brain is damaged, your mind and muscle no longer respond or act together to coordinate movement. It causes weakness and makes it difficult to stretch.

5. Severe headache
Not every headache is stroke related. But people with high blood pressure are at risk because the pressure blocks the blood vessels in the brain and causes it to weaken and bleed. If the brain bleeds too much it can lead to a severe headache called “thunderclap” — it is terrible. This comes suddenly and affects the entire head.

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